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What Are The DisAdvantages of Homeschooling

| Disadvantages Of Homeschooling | May 21, 2013

Homeschooling is another way of teaching children. This method requires parents to give their children education whilst outside of the school. It also means that you need to do more for your child in order for them to get the education that they deserve. Here are some reasons why DISADVANTAGES OF HOMESCHOOLING outweighs their advantages.

One of the things that parents are unable to leave is their work. With homeschooling, not only will you not be able to work, you need to dedicate most of your time in teaching your child what they need to learn. Some persons are unable to commit 24 hours of their lives to their children because of the responsibility of giving them their basic needs. If you are one such parent, you better stick to the traditional method as this will never work for you because of the conflict in time management.

Patience is a virtue. But most persons tend to have less of this when it comes to learning especially with parents. If you know that you are not able to extend enormous patience to your child when you do homeschooling, do not try it at all. Homeschooling will require you to deal with some shortcomings of your child and make you exert more effort in teaching your child how to overcome this hurdle. If you force something to them because you feel that they are behind, it defeats many of the purpose why you started homeschooling in the first place so never attempt it if you are not patient with your kids.

You will definitely need to get out of your comfort zone if you intend to go with home schooling. You need to research on what topics are good for you to teach them and what are not at specific age ranges. Also, you need to look for children who are also homeschooled and have the same goals and character traits that you want your child to learn. If you are in a bind in something, you need to find a homeschooling parent who has successfully trained their child and not many of them are around. So if you do not have time to devote to researching and asking from other homeschooling parents, forget about starting this method.

DISADVANTAGES OF HOMESCHOOLING are plenty as this method is still in its early stages. Entering into this practice when there are still a lot of things to work out and you are not prepared to do so is really bad for your children. If you are not sure, go with the traditional method. It may not be up to snuff but it meets the standards of learning as you re a product of it.


Peter A.
Homeschool Classifieds Teams 🙂


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One Response to “What Are The DisAdvantages of Homeschooling”

  1. Seriously? Homeschooling is a “new” method of education?!?! Ummm, public education has only been in the United States since the 1780s. In the history of the world, “homeschooling” has been the norm, except for the last 300 years and even then, it has never gone away. You will have to try harder than that to think of disadvantages of homeschooling. Parental laziness is the only one I can think of.

    -Homeschool mom to 5, who pulled her kids from public school.

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